NEWS 2008

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Great success for our black bitches' Jalil's & Shalil's offspring:

Aziz Jalil TOP Dam of the Year 2008 (fourth time) & Maleke's Commemorial Trophy! Aziz Shalil's son Aziz Cane Zadan Young Saluki of the Year & Saluki of the Year #5!

16.8.2008 Kouvola: Cristian Vantu & Roberto Schill
Shalil was, again, Best of Breed - Best In Group & Best In Show-4!

We had a very successful weekend!

Sunday: 10.8.2008 Saarijärvi: Leni Finne, Matti Luoso & Petru Muntean
Shalil was Best of Breed, Best In Group & Best In Show-4! Shalil's son Cane Zadan was BOS and got his 6th Certificate!

Saturday: 9.8.2008 Tornio INT: Unto Timonen
Shalil was Best of Breed & Best In Group-2! Chakad & Cashme got Certificates with Best Dog/Bitch -3 placements.


28.6.2008 Sighthound Speciality
Chakad: EXC-2 in junior class out of 17, Cashme: EXC-2 in junior class out of 21


Hugo & Claudia

27.6.2008 Saluki Speciality
Shalil's son Aziz Cane Zadan: Best Dog at the Saluki Speciality out of 94 dogs at the age of 12 months! Jalil's daughter Aziz Qaside Best Bitch-2 out of 114 bitches! Congratulations to the Tavasti and the Savolainen families!

17.5.2008 Suolahti G7/8 & 10
Chakad CAC & BOB Thank you Janette for successfully handling Hugo! Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari

Hugo & Janette

19.4.2008 Jyväskylä INT Great success for Shalil's offspring:
Cashme BB-4, "BOS-junior" & CAC! Cane Zadan BD-4 (34 dogs), res-CAC & BOB-junior! Shalil was BB-2 with res-CACIB. Judge: Steven Seymour

Cane Zadan & Cashme

5.4.2008 MonteCarlo INT Jalil's daughter Aziz Samimi got her 12th CACIB and gained the International Champion title.

Jalil's offspring (19): 10 International Champions, 4 Working Champions and 17 National Champions!

24.3.2008 Lappeenranta INT Shalil BOS & CACIB, Jalil was BOS-vet on her 12th birthday! Shalil's son Aziz Cane Zadan got a res-CAC at the age of 9 months! Judge: Marija Kavcic

Shalil BOS & CACIB

Jalil BOS-vet at the age of 12 years

Aziz Cane Zadan res-CAC

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