NEWS 2006

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20.08.2006 Heinola, Lilli BOB, BOB-veteran, BIG-3 & BIS-4-veteran. Judged by Natalie Nekrosiene (Lithuania)

14.10.2006 Hailuoto (LC) Siiri got a CC and placed 3rd out of 21 salukis with 520 points (qual. 256 p, fin. 264 p). Siiri needs only one more certificate to gain the Finnish LC CH title.

* Unfortunately Shali won't get puppies this autumn but we will try to mate Shali to Qamar later again.

24.09.2006 Valkeakoski (LC) Siiri placed 1st out of 54 salukis with 515 points (qual. 263 p, fin. 252 p) and gained the "Finnish Saluki Club's Lure Coursing Champion 2006" title. This was Siiri's 3rd win and certificate.

25.08.2006 SMM-06, (Finnish Lure Coursing Championship Winner 2006), Siiri 1st out of 33 salukis, CC & 513 points.
(qual. 257p / fin. 256p)

13.08.2006 Imatra, Lilli BOB, BOB-veteran & BIS-4-veteran. Judged by Aleksandr Ivanov (Russia) & Zafra Sirik (Israel)

06.08.2006 Kuopio INT, Shali BB-2 & res-CACIB, Lilli BB-3 & BOB-veteran, Siiri BB-4 & res-CC . Judged by Göran Bodegård (Sweden)

05.08.2006 Kuopio INT, Shali BOS & CACIB, Siiri BB-3 & res-CACIB (will be confirmed as a CACIB). Judged by James D. Sillers (USA)

Fin CH Aziz Shayan

04.08.2006 Kuopio, Shali BOB & BIG-3, Lilli BB-3 & BOB-veteran. Lilli's daughter Sooda (Aziz Shayan) got her third certificate to gain the FIN CH title. Now eight out of ten are champions in the Aziz S-litter. (Three International Champions; Shalil, *Shadman & *Salam). Judged by Stelios Makaritis (Greece) & James D. Sillers (USA)

09.07.2006 Savonlinna, Shali BOB & BIG-4. Judged by Jouko Leiviskä & Kari Järvinen (Finland)

08.07.2006 Salo, Lilli BOB, BOB-veteran & BIG-1. Sulo, (Aziz Shadman) was BOS and Paju, (Aziz Siah) got her third certificate to gain the FIN CH title. Paju is the 7th S-champion. Judged by Jarmo Vuorinen (Finland)

08.07.2006 Helsinki (Track Racing), Kassinen, (Aziz Qaside) confirmed her RCH title.

02.07.2006 Pori, Sooda, (Aziz Shayan) BB-2 & CC. Judged by Branislav Rajic (Slovenia)

01.07.2006 Finnish Sighthound spec., Shali was placed 4th out of 28 bitches. Judged by Garry Newton (USA)

01.07.2006 Ylivieska, Sulo, (Aziz Shadman) BOB, BIG-1 & Best In Show! Judged by Javier Sanchez Fernandez (Spain)

18.06.2006 Kajaani (LC), Siiri 1st out of 14 salukis, CC & 505 points.
(qual. 249p / fin. 256p)

17.06.2006 Tuuri, Kalle, (Aziz Sardar) got his third certificate to gain the FIN CH title. Judged by Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa (Finland)

10.06.2006 Saluki speciality, Siiri won the intermediate class and was among the 7 best bitches (out of 72). Musti, Aziz Padidar was placed third in the champion class (22). Aziz Qahraman was Best in Show and his sister Qaside, both from Lilli's first litter, got her last CC to gain the FIN CH title. Judged by Linda Scanlon (USA) and David Graham (France)

28.05.2006 Järvenpää, Shali BOS, Sulo (Aziz Shadman) BD-2, Siiri BB-3 & Certificate. Judged by Natalia Nekrosiene (Lithuania)

28.05.2006 Joensuu, Lilli BOB, BIG-3, BOB-vet & BIS-3-vet, Judged by Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen salukis (Finland), Saija Juutilainen FCI 10 (Finland) and Kari Engh BIS-vet (Norway)

20.05.2006 Helsinki INT, Shali BOS & CACIB, Sulo (Aziz Shadman) BD-2 CACIB & Int CH, Lilli BOS-veteran. Judged by Rafael de Santiago (Puerto Rico)

14.05.2006 Mikkeli (LC), Siiri in her very first lure coursing competition;
5th out of 17 salukis, CQ & 502 points. (qual. 236p / fin. 266p)

30.04.2006 Vaasa, Lilli BOB & BOB-veteran out of 32 salukis, Shali BB-2. Judged by David Strachan (Australia)

Shali moving in the Best In Show -ring

23.04.2006 Lahti INT, Shali BB, BOB out of 63 salukis, and Winner of the Sighthound Group! (FCI 10) Judged by Garry Dryburgh (Australia)

15.04.2006 Stockholm INT, Shali BB-3, CC & Swedish Champion! Shali's brother Sulo (Aziz Shadman) was BD-2 & res-CACIB. Judged by George Kostopoulos (Greece)

Crufts '06, Lilli's daughter CH Aziz Qesas Daxlore Best Of Breed at Crufts! 134 salukis were entered, judged by Joan Davies

11.02.2006 CoC & VoV, Lilli was placed second out of 52 veterans, Shali was among the best 16 champions. Judged by Sven Lövenkjaer (Denmark), Bo Skalin (Sweden) & Kirsti Lummelampi (Finland).

07.01.2006 Kajaani INT, Lilli BB-2, BOB- & BIS-1-veteran, Siiri and Siiri's brother Roope (Aziz Xerxes) CC, judged by Outi Piisi-Putta & Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (Finland)

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